====== Airbase Background Tiling and Leveling with CATE ====== This section instructs you to automatically tile airbase background tiles and level them by using [[falcon4:tools:cate|CATE]]. It very simple operation basically so listen up. First you must export Airfields from Tacedit into a CSV file. Go to the Map View, then select the menu item **View -> View Objectives -> None**. Also I'm going with **View -> View Units -> None**. Then select one more time **View -> View Objectives -> Airfields**. Now zoom out to get ALL the airbases into the view screen. Then just use left mouse button to drag a box around ALL of the airbase objectives. Select Operation dialog pops up and click **Export Viewed** and save the list. Okay now you got CSV file with airbases. Feed this baby to CATE dir (or where ever) and fire up CATE, select the airbase rules (more on this later I think), load theater.L2 file and select new L2 file which you want to save. Now click Read data which time it should take few seconds to load the stuff up (time is relative to theater size, rule complexity and your computer speed), then click Update data and CATE updates the L2 data in memory. After its done (takes another while) click Save data. Done. ====== Default Korean airbase tiles and runway orientations ====== The airbase coordinates comes from Tacedit exported CSV file, simple X/Y coordinate. In our example images we have marked the coordinate with X and the other airbase tiles with O's. Lets begin. ====== 05_23 2 ====== Airbase subtype **05_23 2** - Tiles: 736-742 (coord tile: 738). OO XOO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_01.jpg }} ====== 23_05 2 ====== Airbase subtype **23_05 2** - wet farm tiles: 310-316 (coord tile: 312), HBASE3B 1-7. Note that Airbase subtype //05_23 2// is the same. OO XOO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_13.jpg }} Airbase subtype **23_05 2** - forest tiles: 630-636 (coord tile: 632). OO XOO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_07.jpg }} ====== 01_19 ====== Airbase subtype **01_19** - tiles 624-629, HBASE3C A-F. {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_02.jpg }} ====== 20_02 2 ====== Airbase subtype **20_02 2** - tiles 950-955 (coord tile: 952). Note that //02_20// - is the same. OO XO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_03.jpg }} Airbase subtype **20_02** - swamp tiles: 1200-1205 (coord tile: 1202), HBASE36 6-B. OO XO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_09.jpg }} Airbase subtype **20_02** - forest tiles: 1488-1493 (coord tile: 1490), HBASE37 6-B. OO XO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_15.jpg }} ====== 30_12 ====== Airbase subtype **30_12** - tiles 1040-1045 (coord tile: 1041). Note that //12_30// is the same. OXO OOO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_04.jpg }} Airbase subtype **30_12** - forest tiles: 928-933 (coord tile: 932), HBASE34 0-5. OOO OXO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_08.jpg }} Airbase subtype **30_12** - swamp tiles: 1472-1477 (coord tile: 1473), HBASE33 0-5. OXO OOO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_12.jpg }} ====== 21_03 ====== Airbase subtype **21_03** - tiles: 848-853 (coord tile: 850). OO XO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_05.jpg }} ====== 34_16 2 ====== Airbase subtype **34_16 2** - tiles: 1046-1051 (coord tile: 1048), HBASE35 6-B. OO XO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_06.jpg }} ====== 34_16 ====== Airbase subtype **34_16** - tiles: 1478-1483 (coord tile: 1480), HBASE33 6-B. OO XO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_21.jpg }} ====== SUNAN ====== Airbase subtype **SUNAN** - tiles: 1360-1368 (coord tile: 1364), HBASE57 1-F. OOO OXO OOO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_10.jpg }} ====== 505 Wonsan ====== Airbase subtype **505 Wonsan** - tiles: 1376-1383 (coord tile: 1378), HBASE50 0-7. OO XO OO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_11.jpg }} ====== 32_14 ====== Airbase subtype **32_14** - wet farm tiles: 304-309 (coord tile: 306), HBASE3B A-F. OO XO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_14.jpg }} Airbase subtype **32_14** - tiles: 743-748 (coord tile: 745), HBASE3A A-F. OO XO OO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_23.jpg }} ====== 26_08 ====== Airbase subtype **26_08** - tiles: 944-949 (coord tile: 944), HBASE38 0-5. XOO OOO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_16.jpg }} Airbase subtype **26_08** - wet farmland tiles: 1744-1749 (coord tile: 1744), HBASE39 0-5. XOO OOO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_22.jpg }} ====== KIMPO ====== Airbase subtype **KIMPO** - tiles: 1632-1639 (coord tile: 1639), HBASE52 4-F. OOO OOO OX {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_18.jpg }} ====== Suwon AFB ====== Airbase subtype **Suwon AFB** - tiles: 1712-1720 (coord tile: 1719), HBASE55 0-B. OO OO OOO XO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_19.jpg }} ====== 545 Osan ====== Airbase subtype **545 Osan** - tiles: 1728-1735 (coord tile: 1733), HBASE54 0-7. OOOO OXOO {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/korea_AB_20.jpg }} Thats the list. Please remind me if I messed something up, which I probably did :) ====== Airbase 3D Objective images ====== And here is the Airbase 3D Objective images in game recon view. The airbase name string matches to Tacedit export/import csv format. First is the airbase name and then OCD ID ===== 01_19 ===== **01_19** Airbase, 1772 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_01_19_airbase.jpg }} ===== 02_20 ===== **02_20** Airbase, 1773 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_02_20_airbase.jpg }} **02_20** Airbase 2, 225 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_02_20_airbase_2.jpg }} ===== 05_23 ===== **05_23** Airbase 2, 978 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_05_23_airbase_2.jpg }} ===== 08_26 ===== **08_26** Airbase, 1774 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_08_26_airbase.jpg }} ===== 11_29 ===== **11_29** Airbase, 1775 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_11_29_airbase.jpg }} ===== 12_30 ===== **12_30** Airbase, 1776 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_12_30_airbase.jpg }} ===== 20_02 ===== **20_02** Airbase, 1777 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_20_02_airbase.jpg }} **20_02** Airbase 2, 219 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_20_02_airbase_2.jpg }} ===== 21_03 ===== **21_03** Airbase, 1778 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_21_03_airbase.jpg }} ===== 23_05 ===== **23_05** Airbase 2, 1779 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_23_05_airbase_2.jpg }} ===== 26_08 ===== **26_08** Airbase, 1780 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_26_08_airbase.jpg }} ===== 30_12 ===== **30_12** Airbase, 1781 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_30_12_airbase.jpg }} ===== 32_14 ===== **32_14** Airbase, 1782 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_32_14_airbase.jpg }} ===== 34_16 ===== **34_16** Airbase, 1783 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_34_16_airbase.jpg }} **34_16** Airbase 2, 979 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_34_16_airbase_2.jpg }} ===== 36_18 ===== **36_18** Airbase, 1784 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_36_18_airbase.jpg }} ===== 505 Wonsan ===== **505 Wonsan**, 980 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_505_Wonsan.jpg }} ===== 545 Osan ===== **545 Osan**, 216 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_545_Osan.jpg }} ===== GEN AFB ===== **GEN AFB**, 1509 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_GEN_AFB.jpg }} ===== KIMPO ===== **KIMPO**, 1516 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_KIMPO.jpg }} ===== MIRIM AFB ===== **MIRIM AFB**, 2065 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_MIRIM_AFB.jpg }} ===== SEOUL AFB ===== **SEOUL AFB**, 1499 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_SEOUL_AFB.jpg }} ===== SUNAN ===== **SUNAN**, 1497 Sunan airbase is too big to fit into the Recon view even at 30000ft so its splitted to two images, the tacedit airbase string is SUNAN so here is the two images, north and south. {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_SUNAN_1st.jpg }} {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_SUNAN_2nd.jpg }} ===== Suwon AFB ===== **Suwon AFB**, 1805 {{ http://tactical.nekromantix.com/f4/cate/PMC_Suwon_AFB.jpg }} If you want to use these airbases in Tacedit after getting datas from Dem2Terrain CSV creation, just export the airbase list and edit the csv file with text editor, change the Airbase substrings and OCD ID's to your theater specifications.