Ground Units

Ground units can be placed with TCL scripts, it is actually the ONLY way PMC Theaters are created these days, its just too much work to manually place them. Study the PMC Korean Campaigns package for the very efficient way to place ground unit brigades and batallions. Here is the descriptions of how to place ground units manually but please for your own sake, use the TCL scripts method!


Lets insert AAA KS-19 site. Right mouse click the spot in the map or objective where you want to add this ground unit and select Add Unit, select Battalion, Air Defense and AAA KS-19. Coordinates are taken automatically of the spot you selected, you just add Flags: 2. At Unit Properties insert name which is just number (can be 0 also), Dest X/Y coordinates should be +1 of the original These Dest coordinates also change accordingly when you move around the unit. So edit them manually or just move around the unit a bit. Unit Flags: 40, then apply. Ground Page select the Orders for this unit. If you added this unit to a objective (factory, sam site etc) then tacedit automatically inserted the objective ID into the Aobj slot. Division is the division where this ground unit belongs. The last page we go to Battalion Page and see that tacedit automatically inserted Morale: 100.


Brigades can contain 5 different batallions in them. You insert brigades the same way as batallions, for example right mouse click and Add Unit → Brigade etc. The basic settings for brigades should be like Unit Properties → Unit Flags: 32. Ground Page has the orders, aobj and division just like batallions so assign them according what you want. Brigade Page is the important, here you list the number of batallions assigned to this brigade and their ID numbers. Its very simple setup, N units is just the number of batallions and Unit1 is the ID of first batallion, Unit2 is… you'll get the picture.


Divisions are really just nuber in the division field. The division unit tags in the campaign are created dynamically (or something like that) to the center area of the forces listed in the division. One important detail of divisions is that the amount of units you can assign into one. Seems to me so far in our tests that its about 165-170 batallions, yeah lot of ground buggers. Be careful, falcon campaign rewards you with immediate CTD if you exceed the ground unit amount in one division. When you have more ground forces, just add them to another division.

Unit Types

This is a some sort of list gathered from SP 4.2 database.

Brigade - Armored/Infantry; can be 5 battalions

battalion - armored - M1A1:
10 x 3 m1a1, 3 x 3 m2a3, 3 M2A2 BSFV, 3 M6 BL, 3 M106.

battalion - infantry - M-16:
6 x 3 M-16, 3 Jeep, 3 x 3 Lt. Mtr, 3 Stinger Sqd, 3 M977, 3 120mm Mtr, 3 M47 Dragon, 3 TOW, 3 120mm Mtr.

battalion - infantry - Recon Squad:
3 Recon Squad, 2 x 3 HMMWV, 3 HQ M16, 3 x 3 M-16, 2 x 3 Stinger Sqd, 2 x 3 HMMWV-MG, 3 TOW, 3 120mm Mtr, 3 HMMWV TOW, 3 M977.

battalion - infantry - AK-47:
9 x 2 AK47, 3 x 2 82mm Mtr, 3 SA-7, 3 x 3 AT-3.

battalion - infantry - AK-47: (second in database)
10 x 2 AK47, 2 x 2 120mm Mtr, 2 HN-5A Squad, 3 ZU-23, 2 AT-3, 3 KrAz T 255B.

battalion - infantry - Motor Rifle BMP-2:
4 x 3 BMP-2, 3 x 3 BMP-3, 3 ZSU23-4, 3 BMP-CMD, 3 MDK-2-D, 2 x 3 T-72, 3 SA-9, 2 x 3 120mm Mtr, 3 2S1.

battalion - marine - Elite Recon Squad:
1 Recon Squad, 3 M47 Dragon, 8 x 1 M-16, 1 Lt. Mtr, 1 Stinger Sqd, 1 TOW, 3 M-16, 1 120mm Mtr, 3 Lt. Mtr.

battalion - marine - Naval Inf BTR-80:
11 x 2 BTR-80, 2 SA-16, 2 BRDM-AT, 2 x 2 120mm Mtr, 2 BMP-3.

battalion - marine - USMC AAV7-a1:
3 x 3 AAV7-A1, 3 AAVC7-A1, 3 LAV/AD, 2 LAV/C2, 6 x 3 LAV-25, 3 LAV/AT, 2 LAV/R, 3 LAV/M, 3 Recon Squad.

battalion - mechanized - BTR-60:
5 x 2 BTR-60, 2 BRDM-AT, 2 x 2 82mm Mtr, 2 SA-7, 2 M-1992, 3 x 2 T-55, 2 KrAz T 255B, 2 ZIL-135.

battalion - mechanized - M-113:
7 x 3 M113, 3 K200-AD, 1 Mistral-V, 4 x 3 M48A5, 3 M106, 3 M901, 3 M977.

battalion - mechanized - M2A3:
7 x 3 M2A3, 2 x 3 M1A1, 2 M1A1, 3 M2A2 BSFV, 3 M6 BL, 2 x 3 M3A3, 3 M106, 3 M977.

battalion - mechanized - VTT-323:
7 x 2 VTT-323, 2 82mm Mtr, 1 BMP-CMD, 2 x 2 T-62, 3 T-62, 2 BRDM-AT, 2 KrAz T 255B, 2 BMP-2.

Fire Range

152mm Arty - 18
155 Gun - 17
2A65 - 18
2S19 - 18
2S3 - 18
D-30 - 12
M109 - 17
M110 - 18

120mm Mtr - 5
60mm MTR - 3
81mm Mtr - 5
82mm Mtr - 5

BM21 - 15
BM24 - 9
BM9A52 - 9
MLRS - 24
SCUD - 119

falcon4/campaign/groundunits.txt · Last modified: 07-10-07 22:51 by snakeman
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