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CSV2TDF by Sherlock

The purpose of this MS Excel macro converter is to convert your airbases.csv file to the .tdf file format that Terrainview can read and which DEM2Terrain makes when first creating terrain.

The csv2tdf converter macro requires you to already have an MS Excel file (either .xls or .csv) of your airbases as output file from TacEdit. If you don't have this file then csv2tdf will do you no good. It also requires your MS Excel installation have security reduce to allow you to run Macros (or at least prompt you to enable or disable macros upon loading the file).

CAVEAT EMPOR: This has only been tested to work in MS Excel 2003. All others are unknown. I take no responsibility for this macro converter and guarantee nothing whatsoever to you in the way of results (either positive or negative). You are using this at your own risk.


  1. Open your airbase .csv file in MS Excel.
  2. Open the accompanying airbases.xls file in the same instance of MS Excel.
  3. Select and copy the first 7 columns from your airbase xls file (out to the 7th column - “Y”); then paste those copied columns into the accompanying airbases.xls file on worksheet “Sheet1”. This is important that you paste onto “Sheet1”. If you don't, the macro won't work. Also, on the airbases.xls file, start your paste operation in cell A1; this is important also.
  4. In the upper left corner, in the MS Excel menus:
    1. a. click on “Tools”,
    2. b. then click on “Macro”,
    3. c. then click on “Marcros” (the MACRO dialog box should pop up),
    4. d. then click on/highlight Macro name: “AirbaseConvert”,
    5. e. then click on the “Run” button.
  5. The macro should then run, reporting success with a popup dialog box that says “Done ——————>”. Your csv file data has now been converted to a tdf file with the name “airbases-outputMMDD.TDF”. The MM is the current month and DD is the current day of the month . The file will mostly likely be saved/written in your “My Documents” folder because that is where MS Office applications typically are pointed as the default path when installed. If not, just do a search on “My Computer” for the following string: “airbases-output*” (without the quotation marks) and you should find it no problem.
  6. Please report any bugs experienced at PMC Tactical in the forums, under the Theater Tools forum. If one thread for csv2tdf has already been started, then please use that same thread for your bug report.


Open the TDF file in text editor, then start to go through the airbases in terrainview. Each airbase you confirm its okay, remove its line on the TDF file. After you've removed enough of them, save the TDF, then reload the TDF in Terrainview to update the list. Now the airbase dots arent showing the already checked airbases, saving even more time when you go through the dots.

Download CSV2TDF.rar - 8kb.

falcon4/tools/csv2tdf.txt · Last modified: 07-12-07 17:53 by snakeman
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