BIsoldier Ingame

There still seems to be some fuss about how to bring the BIsoldier (BIS released BImodels MLODs of its soldier) model ingame. Here is what PMC did to create working config for them.


First in cfgskeletons we did this:

class CfgSkeletons
	// soldier models
	class Head
		isDiscrete = 0;
		skeletonInherit = "";
		skeletonBones[] =
	class VTE_BISkeleton
		isDiscrete = 0;
		skeletonInherit = "Head";
		skeletonBones[] =
	class Flag: Default {};
	class FlagCarrier: Default
		skeletonInherit = "Default";
		skeletonBones[] = {"stozar","","vlajka",""};

Sorry its bit difficult to format those long list of bone names. Then we did this:

class VTE_PeopleMoves : CfgMovesMaleSdr
	skeletonName = "VTE_BISkeleton";
	collisionVertexPattern[] =
	collisionGeomCompPattern[] = {1, 3, 6};


And then in cfgModels we did this:

class cfgModels
	class Default
		sections[] = {""};
	class flag_vojak : Default
		sections[] = {"latka"};
	class Head: Default
		skeletonName = "Head";
		sections[] = {"swap_hhl","hide_eyewear"};
	class VTE_aircav: Default
		skeletonName = "VTE_BISkeleton";
		sections[] =
	class VTE_usmc: VTE_aircav{};
	class VTE_sf: VTE_aircav{};

As you can see now you must inherit all your soldier P3D model names here ie VTE_usmc.p3d and VTE_sf.p3d normally as any other cfgModels before.


Then we move into cfgVehicles and the only different thing you do there is this:

	class VTE_ac: VTE_Army
		vehicleClass = "VTE_Inf_AirCav";

The “moves” part, thats the only new thing you need to add in cfgVehicles the unit configuration. Then you can inherit the units by doing class MyNewUnit: VTE_ac{blabla}; as usual.

Wound Textures

I have no idea if wound textures work with this setup, I dont have blood enabled in my ArmA :)


You should not use the Synide's MLOD models anymore, they are outdated and broken models. Just get the officially released MLOD example models from BIS directly.

arma/modeling/bisoldieringame.txt · Last modified: 04-30-08 18:53 by snakeman
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