Campaign Name Files

Campaign names are the ones that flash in the intel screen and some other places too, also they should appear in TE. Many of the strings are also used throughout in Falcon 4 UI like in setup and so on. All the names seem to be included only in the RV file, where AF and OF only includes some specific rather theater related strings.

Theater.irc entries over-ride lcktxtrc.irc entries (except on RV).

The idea was that as new exe features, ui features, aircraft, etc. were implemented, the lcktxtrc.irc file is a continually moving target, necessitating theater's to continually update their own lcktxtrc.irc file to incorporate changes to the one in the master file.

In alternate theater, you might want different textual strings for things like “campaign names”, “campaign events” and such.

Rather than having to update the entire file for each theater, a smarter move was to create the theater.irc concept that a much smaller “static” sub-set of text strings are needed for the theater, and as such, all entries in the theater.irc file over-ride entries in the lcktxtrc.irc file. The theater.irc concept was introduced in some time between SP1 and SP3.

These following files are pure text files which you can edit directly from your favourite text editor.

Allied Force

Campaign names comes from art\main\theater.irc file.

Replacing Campaign Names

To replace campaign names you need to be careful, for example there is these lines.

[ADDTEXT] TXT_SC_2 "scenario 2"
[ADDTEXT] TXT_SC_3 "scenario 3"
[ADDTEXT] TXT_SC_1 "scenario 1"

Mmmkay, so which is which!? Yeah indeed, its confusing. But here is the descriptions.

Filename Description
TXT_SCENARIO_ Campaign selection name
TXT_SC_ Longer description of the campaign situation
falcon4/campaign/names.txt · Last modified: 11-24-07 13:41 by snakeman
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