
A string is the variable type that can contain text.


A string may consist of any number of ASCII characters and is enclosed by single-quotes (only in ArmA) or double-quotes. In OFP, strings could alternatively also be written enclosed by curled braces, which are reserved for code in ArmA.

Examples (OFP):

 _string = "here is my string"
 _string2 = {It may contain a lot of characters #@$}

Examples (ArmA):

 _string = "here is my string"
 _string2 = 'It may contain a lot of characters #@$'

If you want to include double quotes (”) in strings enclosed by double quotes, the inside double quotes have to be written twice.

 _string = "my string ""with"" quotes"
 _string2 = 'my other string "with" quotes'


The only basic operator to be used on strings is “plus”. You can use “plus” to concatenate two strings.

 _string = "Hello " + "world"


You can convert any type to a string using the command format. You can also use that command to build together a string out of different elements. See the documentation of format for a closer description.

 _string = format ["%1", ["my","array","of","strings"]]
 hint _string
 => ["my","array","of","strings"]


Since ArmA strings seem not to have any limitation in length.

In OFP v1.96, manipulating and using strings above 2056 characters in length may crash the game.

string.txt · Last modified: 07-13-07 14:23 by snakeman
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