
User Interface

User Interface (UI) is somewhat complicated stuff to get it right, but once done really is enjoyable to view.

Allied Force User Interface

Allied Force User Interface by PMC

AF 64 Segment

In art\resource\ directory file campmap.idx/.rsc

Filename Image Details
BIG_AWACS_MAP_ID.tga 2048×2048 resolution with 256 color
BIG_MAP_ID.tga 2048×2048 resolution with 256 color

Coming soon…

AF 128 Segment

All these following images are flipped vertically, they are upside down.

In art\resource\ directory file campmap.idx/.rsc

Filename Image Details
BIG_AWACS_MAP_ID.tga 4096×4096 resolution with 256 color
BIG_MAP_ID.tga 4096×4096 resolution with 256 color

In art\resource\ directory file intel.idx/.rsc

Filename Image Details
JSTARS_MAP.tga 370×370 resolution with 256 color
KOREA_256.tga 512×512 resolution 256 color
PAK_REGION_OVERLAY.tga 512×512 resolution 16bit color
PAK_OUTLINE_OVERLAY.tga 512×512 resolution 16bit color
BID_3FLY_DIS.tga 512×512 resolution 256 color
BID_3FLY_DOWN.tga 344×344 resolution 256 color
IA_MAP_TGA.tga 172×172 resolution 256 color

In art\resource\ directory file select.idx/.rsc

Filename Image Details
CAMP_SCENARIO_1.tga 224×86 resolution 16bit color
CAMP_SCENARIO_1GREEN.tga 224×86 resolution 16bit color
CAMP_SCENARIO_2.tga 224×86 resolution 16bit color
CAMP_SCENARIO_2GREEN.tga 224×86 resolution 16bit color
CAMP_SCENARIO_3.tga 224×86 resolution 16bit color
CAMP_SCENARIO_3GREEN.tga 224×86 resolution 16bit color

In art\resource\ directory file theaterlabel.idx/.rsc

Filename Image Details
VICTORY_LABEL_BLU.tga 99×35 resolution 16bit color

Main UI Background Screen Tutorial

following tutorial is “bit” obsolete in AF times…

by Widowmaker



UI's are all 800×600 256 colors TGA 8 bit uncompressed and flipped (turned up side down) be sure to name the tga files the same as here:

Main screen - mainbg.tga
Dogfight screen - dgftbg.tga
Tactical Engagement screen - tacengbg.tga
Campaign screen - campbg.tga

use the following lines to produce the idx/rsc files

./tga2res.pl mainbg.tga MAIN_SCRN
./tga2res.pl dgftbg.tga DGFT_SCREEN
./tga2res.pl tacengbg.tga TAC_SCREEN
./tga2res.pl campbg.tga CB_MAIN_TGA

Perl script has now created the following files:





Copy the newly produced files into art/resource folder. You're done!

Credits Tutorial

How to build your theaters own Credits file which is shown at exit from sim.

Grab a copy of default Korean credits.idx and credits.rsc files from art\resource directory. Use the perl

./procidx.pl credits.idx

And you'll get ENGLISH_CREDITS.txt file, now edit there your own credit information and then use cred2res.pl to create new credits files, like this:

./cred2res.pl credits.idx ENGLISH_CREDITS.txt

Perl script just produced you a credits.idx and credits.rsc files which you need to place to terrdata\Theater.name\files directory so TSwitch.exe can swap them when you change theaters. That's it.

falcon4/ui.txt · Last modified: 12-17-07 22:34 by snakeman
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